Replace Spaces with Tabs

The web tool replaces all possible spaces with tabs. In the parameters, use one of the four replacement options.

Replacement options

replace each space with exactly one tab

replace multiple repeating spaces with exactly one tab

replace all spaces and newlines with exactly one tab

replace multiple repeating spaces and newlines with a single tab

On this page, you can format text of any size. This is convenient when the functionality of standard text editors is not enough. If you do not know how to insert a tab instead of a space in the settings, just use this tool. You can quickly correct the text with all sorts of symbols, numbers, signs.

How to use the tool

Copy the text you want to change and paste it into the box. Fill in the settings and click the "Replace" button. Large text can be uploaded as a file. Next, copy the resulting text from the adjacent window or upload the file.

What is good for?

This site is the most complete collection of text formatting tools. A complete list of options is available on the main page. The site is easy to use: no registration is required here, the tools work for free. All actions are performed online. The user has access to an unlimited number of operations with texts of any size.