Find the Number of Sentences in a Text Online

On a page, you can quickly determine how many sentences are in your text. The calculation works for free without the need for authorization.

Sentences count:

Text Converter offers you a fast and accurate tool to calculate the number of sentences in a text of any size. The counter is displayed in the adjacent field after the material has been processed.

How to use the tool

Copy the text you want to know about and paste it into the box. Large text can be uploaded as a file. Press the "Count" button. The result will be displayed in the next window.

Help for the author

The tool is useful for journalists, SMM copywriters, as well as students and everyone whose text content is regulated by the number of characters, words or sentences in the text. In the "Statistics" section of the TEXTER service, you can quickly calculate the indicators you need.

What is the convenience of the Text Converter service

The Text Converter site is your assistant for working with articles, term papers, instructions, memos of various types and volumes. With the help of tools, you can quickly perform the necessary operations: crop, duplicate, align, replace text. These and dozens of other actions are available for selection on the home page. Use the service without payment and registration.