Remove all Punctuation Marks

The tool finds and removes all punctuation from the text to get simple text without punctuation marks.


We suggest using the tool to quickly remove all punctuation marks. Add text to the field, press "Delete". In a second, in the adjacent field, you will receive text without dots, commas, and other characters.

What is the convenience of the tool?

  • You can remove punctuation from text online: no download required. The service is free.
  • Symbols are removed instantly. There is no user queue, long loading, limit on the number of characters and the number of checks.
  • Please note that in addition to punctuation marks, the tool clears the text of hyphens and some other characters.

How to use the tool

Copy the text you want to know about and paste it into the box. Large text can be uploaded as a file. Press the "Delete" button. The result will be displayed in the next window.

What is good for?

This site is the most complete collection of text formatting tools. A complete list of options is available on the main page. The site is easy to use: no registration is required here, the tools work for free. All actions are performed online. The user has access to an unlimited number of operations with texts of any size.