Replace Tabs with Spaces

We suggest using a tool that converts tabs to spaces. Upload text and get fast results online.

Number of spaces

the number of spaces to replace for one tab stop

By default, you can replace a tab character with a single space. Additionally, in the parameters, you can select the number of spaces used instead of tabs.

How to use the tool

Copy the text you want to change and paste it into the box. Fill in the settings and click the "Convert" button. Large text can be uploaded as a file. Next, copy the resulting text from the adjacent window or upload the file.

Why the tool is useful

When the text requires certain formatting, you can quickly change its appearance with just a few clicks. If the format does not provide for tabs, remove it in large text in just a few clicks.

What is Text Converter good for?

This site is the most complete collection of text formatting tools. A complete list of options is available on the main page. The site is easy to use: no registration is required here, the tools work for free. All actions are performed online. The user has access to an unlimited number of operations with texts of any size.