Free online tool to repeat text multiple times. In the parameters, you can set the required number of repetitions and specify the character that will be used between repeating text fragments.
It can be either an integer or a floating point number.
character to be used between repeating pieces of text.
The tool will reduce the time for preparing text materials. No need to press Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V many times. With the help of a word repeater, you will quickly prepare didactic materials, manuals, documents, handouts and other necessary files. Please note that in the "Number of repetitions" field you can specify a fractional number: in this case, entire blocks of text will alternate with its fragments.
Copy the text you want to change and paste it into the box. Fill in the settings and click the "Repeat" button. Large text can be uploaded as a file. Next, copy the resulting text from the adjacent window or upload the file.
The site is your assistant for working with articles, term papers, instructions, memos of various types and volumes. With the help of tools, you can quickly perform the necessary operations: crop, duplicate, align, replace text. These and dozens of other actions are available for selection on the home page. Use the service without payment and registration. - take a screenshot on PC and markup it